© 2001/2002 by Lori Zecca. No part of the text can be
copied or used without written permission from the author.
An Excerpt . . . He poured himself another shot glad the song was over, and grateful that he and Bryn didnt
have a song. But just then, an image focused in his memory, and he could see them dancing in her family room their bodies
naked, still moist from their lovemaking. How beautifully she moved, her slender body, tanned and fiery, and those beguiling
violet eyes, ever so luminous in the twilight. But what was the song they were dancing to? He could almost hear it, but
he didnt recognize it. Then, too entranced by Bryn to concentrate on anything else, he remained spellbound by that look in
her eye . . . the one that strangles his will to survive. He shoots back another tequila. That song is gnawing at
him now, he has to know it, he needs to know it, because it makes them move so wonderfully together. Hes holding her with
one hand wrapped around her bare waist, the other rested gently on her long sultry neck, his palm resting just below the hollow.
He studied her glorious face the way her brows arch so flawlessly over those incredible eyes, long lush lashes sweeping down
across high cheekbones when she closes them peacefully letting him guide her, trusting his every move as she becomes one
with the music. What was that song! Finally, weariness takes over where anxiety had been the mainstay. Images of he
and Bryn fill his mind, lying side by side, gazing lovingly at her perfect oval face, tracing the gentle curves of her dainty
nose, lusciously full lips, and delicate though determined chin with the tip of his finger. The soothing memories lull him
to sleep. The last image he sees is that of her soft sweet smile. *** At six forty-five he awakes retching,
the tequila had taken root in his belly, as he runs for the powder room. For the next thirty minutes, he puked his guts up,
the bitter umbrage an almost welcomed relief. *** Bryn rolled over to look at her alarm clock . . . eleven-fifteen.
She was grateful that it was Sunday, and the kids were still with Travis. That was about all she was grateful for. The outpour
from her emotionally tormenting evening had her head pounding this morning. She immediately pushed away her memories of last
night, simply not ready to deal with them again. She left her bed to pee and wash her face, taking notice of her swollen
lids and the puffy pockets beneath. With a groan, she went to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee, and while she waited,
she played the messages that she hadnt reviewed last night. The first was from Avery, claiming if she were having this
child, which the time frame alone seemed to be determining, then she was going to eat and enjoy her plumpness, and did Bryn
want to get together for lunch or dinner one night next week. The second was from Devins guitar teacher, changing their lesson.
The third was a hang up she didnt even want to go there. The fourth was from Irene Vine the goddess of all mothers
who was already calling about car pools long before necessary. Bryn just rolled her eyes. Get a life lady its still a month
away! The fifth was another hang-up, and she just continued her eye roll. The sixth was her mother wondering if Bryn was
alive since she hadnt heard from her in so long. Guilt! Thanks, Mom . . . I needed that just about now. The seventh call
was from her sister, Kara, just calling to say hi and to warn Bryn, Mom is on the prowl seeking information as to your whereabouts.
Bryn couldnt help but laugh. And that was it. Her heart sank. She had half hoped Chase would have called. She sighed
heavily. Fat chance! She poured herself a mug full of coffee, and returned to her bed for the rest of the day. ***
Monday morning, Chase decided he was not going to have another pitiful day like the one he had the day before. Nursing
a horrible hangover his worst in years and lying around feeling bitterly depressed, was just not his thing. He forced his
body from the bed at six-thirty, made an extra strong pot of coffee, and by seven; he was out the door and en route, for the
five-mile run that would hopefully, revive his purpose. Chase struggled during the third mile of his trek, and
decided to change his route, heading toward home. As he came to the corner of Elm and Forest, he recognized her car immediately.
At first, his smile grew at the sight of her behind the wheel, a natural response, and while his heart raced automatically,
he unconsciously took a step toward her then he halted abruptly oh, Christ! He had forgotten. Suddenly the most natural
desire in the world could no longer be. I forgot - I dont love you any more. Oh, Bryn . . . he said out loud, and his heart
sank into his stomach. To make matters worse, she had just noticed him and the distress on her face was nearly suffocating.
They remained stationary, entranced, she in her BMW at the stop sign, and him catching his breath less than fifty feet from
her. His heart was beating wildly in his chest, and from her expression, he knew she was suffering as well. Surprisingly,
he felt an overwhelming urge to go to her. The sensation was so intense that the physical restraints against his own will
was a challenge that left his chest and throat tight with emotion. Then he saw her tears. There werent many, but
enough to indicate how horribly she was feeling, and he wanted to go to her even more, but he just stood there, and they gaped
at each other. With a wry smile, she put the car into gear, and slowly moved forward. He wanted to jump in front of the
car and stop her do anything to keep her there until he had the courage to . . . to . . . to do what? Her decision
was made, Bryn looked straight ahead determinedly, and sped off down the street. The tightness in his chest made it difficult
to breath. He was dizzied by emotion, and felt very weak. He sat down on the curb with his hands supporting each side of
his face until he regained his composure. Please let this pass . . . oh please let this pass . . . it hurts . . . Christ
it hurts . . . he chanted his mantra while rocking to and fro, willing his emotions away. Oh, God, this hurts! How am I
going to do this? How am I going to live anywhere near the woman without wanting her? Who are you kidding you would feel
the same way if she were a thousand miles from here. Oh, Bryn! *** Three blocks past Elm, Bryn pulled over,
her tears blinding her vision, choking her, shaking her so, that she could no longer maintain her poise. Deep heart wrenching
sobs racked her body. If only he had taken a few steps toward her . . . just a few, she would have jumped from the car, into
his arms, begged for forgiveness, and bestow the courtesy upon him as well. Oh, Chase, you idiot! A long wail managed to
escape the chokehold on her throat. I miss you . . . God, help me, but I do. Weakened by the intensity of her emotion,
Bryn turned the car around, taking a different route back home. There was no way she could work today. Once inside
the confines of her bedroom she stripped off her clothing, tossed on her robe, and called in sick to work. And she was sick
for all practical purposes she was love sick and heartbroken. She lay upon her bed as the tears continued to flow from her
effortlessly. How she wished she could go back in time, just a week, to when she was deliriously happy in Chases loving arms.
This all seemed wrong so very, very wrong.
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