Here's where you'll find out more than you need to know about me ...
Me, age 2. Where it all began. |
Most of you won't want to hear this, but I haven't always wanted to be
an author. Actually, my greatest passion is art of varied mediums, though it remains my treasured hobby and one I hope to
devote more time to in the near future. But, for now, I write like crazy!
Why? I love it! I was (still am) an avid
reader who wanted to change most everything I read. So, I challenged myself one day. Fine. Write something! And, I set out
to do just that -- only -- sitting in front of my computer, I was not only stymied, but I felt as though I had no business
attempting anything literary. Who was I to think I could write? I felt silly, stupid, self-conscious, and then ... oh what
the heck, nobody has to read it but me. So, not knowing what to write, I just began with a stream of consciousness. When I
was through, I was inspired! My creation was nothing short of spectacular in my naïve judgment.
In retrospect, my
writing wasn't half bad, but if nothing else, it got my mind working overtime. I've always been creative by nature, and rarely
lacked the confidence to try something new, so ... I put my story idea's into my computer, told only a few trusted souls with
my closet writing, and then one day my mom told me to check out something she had heard on TV -- ivillage, a website for women.
It was there that everything started to click.
I networked through the Romance Readers and Writers board, connected
with established, new, and aspiring authors -- branched out to other venues -- joined the Romance Writers of America (RWA),
and all the while, I learned, absorbed, and craved any and all aspects of writing.
Fourteen months after that initial
writing attempt, I attended my first national writer's conference in Washington, DC. My goal -- to see if I was even in the
ballpark! I attended numerous workshops, listened to everything and anything, and literally walked around like a human sponge
... absorbing it all. I talked to virtual strangers, because we had at least one thing in common . . . writing women's fiction
. . . and I learned so much from these nurturing individuals. I went home with far more than I ever expected to, and the icing
on the cake -- a request for a manuscript from Silhouette! I was hooked.
But, (there's always a but!) I had a full
plate of responsibilities at home to deal with. Namely, my husband and son, plus -- a household to run, and I was the Director
of Sales and Marketing for a wallcovering buying group, and supplied three monthly industry newsletters. I was the head room
mom of my son's fourth grade class, a co-Den leader for Pack 623 cub scouts, my husband traveled constantly, leaving me to
sports practices and countless other activities, and I had to travel several times a year for my job as well. Whew! Oh, and
we have a yellow Lab too, who's a big baby!
Somehow, (usually between the hours of 12 and 4 AM) I managed to write
seven novels and after twenty-two months of writing (ten of those months querying publishers) I sold my first book!
proving, anything is possible!
Some of my favorite authors are: Barbara Delinsky, Kristin Hannah, Luanne Rice, Eileen Goudge, Nicholas Sparks,
Mary Jo Putney, Jennifer Archer, Conny Bryceland, Nora Roberts, Maeve Binchy, and Sandra Brown. (Just to name a few of the
many -- and in no particular order!)
My favorite music includes: Eric Clapton, Don Henley, Counting Crows, Van Morrison, Eagles, Sheryl Crow, Faith
Hill, Tim McGraw, Natalie Merchant, Martina McBride, Lonestar, Mariah Carey, Jewel, Edwin McCain, Sarah McLacklan, Matchbox
20, and many more!
Favorite Movies: The Big Chill Up Close and Personal Always The Love Letter Splendor in the Grass
To read the complete review from Myshelf Book Reviewer's (Click here).
Shameless Introduction ... |